In this Sacred Ellanio Text, its writer Artemis Sorras leads us into the depths of Infinity itself, where we find ourselves within the creational Alpha-Omega Platform that develops for the purpose of the creation of absolutely everything.
Through his analysis, we discover the identical, same – but reversed, different and counter-balanced – relationship that the two Symbols α & ω have. Through their creative and intricate connection, we see the development of tetrads (4), pentads (5), enneads (9) and decatriads (13) that compose entire Creation.
Moreover, we realise that through the creational development of this platform, the structure and construction of our D.N.A. occurs with 13 primary movements belonging to the two Helices and axes that form the creation of our existence. These movements, together with the various rotations and trajectories occurring within this platform, the Ellene human is connected to the source of the whole Creation, where they realise that the Alpha α and Omega ω Symbols are not just letters. They are the true foundation and base of our cosmos and the creation of us – Ellene humans.
7th Plane and Level of DIAS: The 7th plane
and level of DIAS is represented by the
code 7. This relates to a specific dimension,
plane and level that “Zeus of Dias” reigns
over. The Ellene Human is the 7th creation
and belongs to this 7th plane and level.
12 Olympians: The 12 Olympians include:
Zeus/DIAS (as the leader), Hera, Artemis,
Athena, Hermes, Demeter, Apollo,
Aphrodite, Hephaistos, Ares, Hestia and
Poseidon. These entities are not fairy tales,
but actual forces of our Cosmos, each
playing a part in the creation of the human
being and infinite other creations. Their
names also have a deeper meaning. Their
etymology and their symbols aren’t by
chance. Each Olympian entity corresponds
to each of our 12 Ellania Values.
Alchemy: «ΑΛΧΗΜΕΙΑ». Alchemy is
another sacred word whose cosmic-
meaning has been tainted. Alchemy is the
creative process of Creation that
participates in all syntheses and
connections for the purpose of creation.
There are infinite examples of alchemy
analysed within our Sacred Ellania Texts.
This Text specifically presents significant
evidence regarding the alchemy of the
same and identical symbols and forces that
are simultaneously opposite, reversed and
counter-balanced to each other.
Anthropos: «ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΣ» (Anthropoi =
plural). Although we have used the term
Ellene “Human” throughout this text, it is
important to note that the correct term for
the “Human” is “Anthropos” as depicted in
the well-known words anthropocentric,
anthropology etc.
Apostates: «ΑποστΑΤΗΣ». In reference to
these texts, it is a being or entity that
renounces Nomoteleia and Creation. In
other words, they renounce their own self.
The Apostates are responsible for humans’
detachment from their source, origin and
creators. The etymology of the word
Apostate or Apostasy = Keeping a distance
«ΑποστΑσιΑ». Essentially, it means
keeping a distance from your own true
Ellania Creation that originates from
Arithmos and Number: (Arithmoi = plural).
Arithmoi are the following: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Arithmos means
the “rhythm” (rithmos «ΡΥΘΜΟΣ») of the
“ALPHA entities”. This is because Arithmos
«Α-ρυθμοσ» starts with the symbol “A”.
The ALPHA entities give the rhythm and
regulate «ρυθμιζουν» the entire
Creation of αω and all creations within it.
Numbers or numerals (Noumera in Greek)
are considered the numbers after 13 and
onwards. Noumera means Mera/Meri =
Parts of the Nou = Nous/Mind. Noumera
(numbers) is plural, while Noumero
(number) is singular.
Following is a general description of the
first nine arithmoi: Unit 1 or ι: It represents
the unit of creation. Additionally, The
Absolute Unit 1 is the Beginning and the
Creator of Everything. Zero 0 or O
(wholeness): It is formed by The Absolute
Unit 1 or ι, when it curves itself and joins
its two endpoints. 2: One of the code
names of the 13th, OMEGA. 3: It represents
a triad acting as a whole unit. 4: Another
code name of the 13th, OMEGA. 5: Is the
sacred code of “The Divine”, “Synthesis”
and the security forces of Ellania Creation.
6: It represents the Ellanio IOTA creation.
7: It represents the seven-level Ellania
Creation and the 7th plane and level of
DIAS. 8: It represents Infinity. 9: It
represents the 9 “NEW” (En Nea) Ellania
Notice the shape of the symbols 9 and 6
which are reversed, opposite, different but
same in respect to creation, reflecting each
other through the creative cosmic-mirror.
Bio: «βιο». Bio refers to one’s life and
experiences of their physical existence on
the material realm (the life we are
accustomed to), hence the word bio-
Breakdown: «ΔΙΑΣΠΑΣΗ» (pron. Diaspasi).
Diaspasi is a two-part word consisting of Dia =
Logic, the Divine Nous and Spasi = to break
down. Breakdown is a creative process
occurring within our Ellania Texts, together
with the process of analysis to analyse and
study all the constituent parts that
harmonically compose our entire Divine
Creation created with Nous. Our Sacred Ellania
Texts contain thousands of breakdowns and
analyses, with infinite more waiting to be
Code Names: «κΩδικΑ ονομΑτΑ». The
code names refer to names such as the
Olympians, Deities, Heroes and more.
These names have etymological meanings
and are not by chance. Every symbol in a
code name has a deeper cosmic meaning
which is found through the processes of
geometrising and summation. Artemis
Sorras proves this within the various texts
he has brought to light with infinite
analyses and breakdowns.
Cosmic-Life: «κοσμικη ζΩη». It is the
immortal and eternal cosmic circle of life.
With both your Cosmic-Life and Bio, you
eternally ascend within the different levels
of your Ellania Creation.
To learn more about the Cosmic-Life and
bio, you may read the Sacred Ellanio Text
“Persephone, The KORI, The Primordial
Cosmos: «κοσμοσ». Briefly, it is the huge
organism that consists of infinite universes,
galaxies, solar systems and planets. There
are also infinite cosmoses. The Sacred
Ellanio Text “Our Ellanios Cosmos 600”
(written by Artemis Sorras) analyses our
cosmos which is formed by a
Dodecahedron (12) structure. The 12
pentahedron pyramids that make up the
Dodecahedron are united at their peaks in
the middle of the cosmos called the 13th
point, the complete-wholeness.
You may find the analysis of the cosmos
within the Sacred Ellanio Text: “Our
Ellanios Cosmos 600”.
Cosmotheasis: «κοσμοθεΑση». Is
anything captured by our senses and
perceived through cognitive process, as
being true and real. Everything we perceive
is within the Cosmos.Τhe Magnificence of
what the Cosmos contains is Cosmotheasis
itself. The word Cosmotheasis consists of
the words “cosmo” (cosmos) and “theasis”
(view, observation). When the word
“Theasis” «ΘΕΑΣΗ» becomes “Theosis”
«ΘΕΩΣΗ», the symbol “ALPHA” — in the
middle of the word “Theasis” — changes
to “OMEGA”. Consequently, the word
“Theosis” is created, which means “to
become Divine” and “to connect with the
Creation and creation: «δημιουργΙΑ»
(pron. Dimiourgia). In these texts, the word
“creation” may be written in different
forms such as with a capital “C” or a lower
case “c” (Creation and creation,
respectively). In this way, we will indicate
that an initial Creation has created further
creations within it and in turn, these
creations will also create accordingly. This
is an immortal, eternal and perpetual
creative cycle. Therefore, in some cases
you may see the “9 Creation” as a “9
creation”, because it was created by
another Creation and its aim and purpose
is to also create. Additionally, the word
“creation” may indicate the process of
creating: i.e. “the creation of Hades”,
indicating that Hades was created through
a creational process, as it is analysed in the
Ellanio Text of “Mother Rhea”. It is
important to note here that in our Ethereal
Script, all symbols (a.k.a. letters) are in
capital and not lower case. In essence, all
creations and Creations are a wholeness
unit 1 ONE (one CREATION) creating
altogether. However, we have made some
adjustments in the English Text regarding
this matter for facilitation purposes.
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